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2024-09-29 02:34:04  来源:网络   热度:


The Bing Bong Song (School Bus Trip, School Camp)


We’re playing a tune, and we’re singing a song

With a bing and a bong and a bing…

Bong Bing Boo

Bing Bong Bing

Bing Bong Bingly Bungly Boo

Christmas Tree Song (Peppa's Christmas)

Little star on the Christmas tree goes twinkle twinkle twinkle

(What a charming song!)

And all the little piggies on the Christmas Eve go oink oink oink oink!

(Lovely Peppa,now it’s time to...)

Wait! There’s more! Oink oink oink oink!

Sweet little star on the Christmas tree

(Maybe that’s enough singing)

Rainbow Song (The Rainbow)

It's a rainy sunny day

The rainbow's here to play.

Rainbow, rainbow

Red and orange and yellow and green and purple and blue

Rainbow, rainbow

It's a rainy sunny day

North Star Song (Star)

North Star, North Star

Are you near or are you far?

Can we get there in the car?

North Star, North Star

Shining with the twinkly glow

Please show us the way to go

The Recycling song (Recycling)

recycle recycle we're going to recycle tin cans

bottles newspapers recycle recycle we’re going to recycle

Granpa’s Little Train song

Grandspa's little train goes choo choo choo

choo choo choo choo choo choo

Grandpa's little train goes choo choo choo all day long

and the piggies on the train go oink oink oink

oink oink oink and the piggies on the train go

oink oink oink all day long

Grandpa's little train goes choo choo choo choo choo choo

choo choo choo Grandpa's little train goes choo choo choo

all day long

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Sleepover)

twinkle twinkle little star

(can i have a go? and me!)

twinkle twinkle little star how i wonder what you are

Birdy Birdy, Woof Woof

The bird go woof and the dogs go tweet

woof tweet woof tweet woof woof woof

the sheep go moo and the cows go baaa

moo baa woof tweet woof baa moo tweet woof woof woof

Wiggly Worm song

You're a wiggly worm You're a wiggly worm

how do you do? i love you

you're a wiggly worm

The Wheels on the Bus (Goldie the Fish)

The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round, all day long!

The fish in the bowl swims round and round, round and round, round and round

The fish in the bowl swims round and round, all day long!

Frere Jacques

Frere Jacques



Sonnez les matines

sonnez les matines

Delphines pretty song has sent everyone to sleep

Ding dang dong ding dang dong

Big Balloon

Big Balloon Big Balloon

Bigger than the sun and moon

Flying high in the sky

Fly and fly and fly and fly

Jolly Pirates

We're jolly pirates

We that sail the deep blue sea

To find the golden treasure

For sails are high yipee

Land ahoy

Mr Potato is Coming to Town

Up down up down all together now

Mr potato is rolling around

Your friend and mine

He’s happy all the time

Mr potato is coming to town

Clickity Clack Train Song (The Train Ride)

Clickity clack clickity clack

The train is on the track

Huff and puff huff and puff

Clickity clickity clack

Clickity clack clickity clack

The train goes on the track

Huff and puff huff and puff

The train goes on the track

Counting Song

One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten

Grampy Rabbits Boat Song

I got up this morning

The sea was still there and so was the sky

I got up this morning

The sea was still there so was the sky

The sea the sky the sea the sky

The sea the sky the sea the sky

The sea the sky

Seaside Holiday Song

We're all going on a seaside holiday

Sand castles swimming and sunny skies

We're all going on a seaside holiday

Sea and sand and ice-cream too!

World Harmony Song (International Day)

Peace and harmony in all the world

Peace and Harmony in all the world

Peace and harmony in all the world

Peace and harmony

Row Row Row Your Boat (The Little Boat)

Row row row your boat gently down the stream

If you see a crocodile, don't forget to scream

Row row row your boat gently down the creek

If you see a big bad wolf, don't forget to shriek

Mss Polly Had a Dolly (Pedro's Cough)

Miss Polly had a dolly

who was sick sick sick

So she called for the doctor to come quick quick quick

The doctor came with his bag and his hat

And knocked on the door with a rat a tat tat

Merry Joyful Greetings

Merry Joyful Greetings

Best happy tune

Snow is falling gently

Christmas time's here

Flying High (Flying on Holiday)

Flying high in a plane

up above the clouds and rain

Flying high, sunny sky

Flying higher and higher and higher

Head Shoulders Knees And Toes

Head shoulders knees and toes knees and toes

Head shoulders knees and toes knees and toes

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose

Head shoulders knees and toes knees and toes

Eensey Weensey Spider (Spider Web)

The Eensey Weensey spider climbed up the water spout

Down came the rain and wash the Weensey out

Out came the sun shinining and dried up all the rain

And the Eensey Weensey spider climbed up the spout again

We Are Off to See the Queen (The Queen)

We are off to see the queen

We are off to see the queen


















1. 合理的饮食


  • 高质量的饲料:选择富含蛋白质、纤维素和各类维生素的专业猪饲料,可以为小猪提供全面均衡的营养。
  • 新鲜的水源:保持小猪饮水器中的水源清洁,并定期更换,确保小猪有足够的清洁水源。
  • 适量的食物:根据小猪的年龄和体重确定每餐的食物量,避免过度喂食或摄取不足。

2. 适宜的环境


  • 温度控制:小猪对温度比较敏感,在冬季需要提供温暖的环境,而在夏季则需要通风和遮阳。
  • 舒适的住所:给小猪提供舒适的笼子或者栏舍,确保它们有足够的空间活动,并保持干燥和清洁。
  • 安全防护:确保小猪的栖息地安全可靠,防止其逃脱或受到外界危害。

3. 良好的照顾


  • 定期检查:定期检查小猪的身体状况,包括皮肤、毛发和精神状态,如有异常及时采取相应措施。
  • 定时清洁:定期清洁小猪的住所,清除污物和粪便,保持干燥和卫生。
  • 社交互动:与小猪建立良好的互动关系,定期进行触摸和喂食,增加它们的信任感。
  • 防疫措施:给小猪进行必要的疫苗接种和体外驱虫,避免感染传染病。

4. 注意小猪隔离



  1. 选择一个安静、干净的地方,将小猪单独放置。
  2. 观察小猪的食欲、精神状态和粪便情况,确保没有异常。
  3. 进行必要的检疫和体外驱虫,预防传染病的发生。
  4. 在隔离期间,定期监测小猪的健康状况。
  5. 隔离期结束后,将小猪与已有猪群进行逐渐接触,观察是否出现不适或争斗行为。















1 订婚源于中国古代的婚姻习俗,是指男女双方在正式结婚前,通过仪式和礼品的交换,互相确认婚姻关系的一种仪式。2 在古代,由于婚姻是家族利益和父母意愿的产物,男女双方并不是自由选择的,因此订婚仪式具有更强的约束力,一旦订婚就很难反悔。3 如今的订婚仪式,不仅是男女双方爱情的象征,也是家庭的认可和祝福,订婚的方式和内容也更加多样化和个性化。





十、小猪佩奇 曲子 简谱?


